Forging lives to the Will of God.
Refining hearts to reflect Christ.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Romans 12:2 NKJV

What is Culture? Culture is the embodiment of an organization's mission, vision and values that a group of people adopt or operate together under. Each organization has a unique but may have similar fields. The Church is no different- with varying missions and visions its no wonder why so many churches are alike but different: We all love God but He has a very unique mission for each church!
What is the Culture at Streams Church? We at Streams pondered what a Kingdom Culture that might actually looked like with the unique mission that God has given Streams Church and we believe it would look very wholesome (defined as conductive to moral or general well-being) and created an acronym to depict the values within our church.
W- Worship God with authentic, spirit filled worship
H- Honor God and those deserving of honor by our actions and our speech
O- Obey the Word of God and His commandments
L- Lovers of God’s people and His presence
E- Edify each other with uplifting speech and encouraging words
S- Serve within God’s House and His people
O- Operate in the gifts of the Spirit
M- Mature believers through the process of discipleship
E- Empower each other to achieve the impossible by building up faith